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Styling Spans

To style spans, RichTextState provides toggleSpanStyle method:

// Toggle a span style.
richTextState.toggleSpanStyle(SpanStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold))

// Add a span style.
richTextState.addSpanStyle(SpanStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold))

// Add a span style for a specific range.
richTextState.addSpanStyle(SpanStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold), TextRange(0, 5))

// Remove a span style.
richTextState.removeSpanStyle(SpanStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold))

// Remove a span style for a specific range.
richTextState.removeSpanStyle(SpanStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold), TextRange(0, 5))

To get the current span style of the selection, use RichTextState.currentSpanStyle:

// Get the current span style.
val currentSpanStyle = richTextState.currentSpanStyle
val isBold = currentSpanStyle.fontWeight == FontWeight.Bold
val isItalic = currentSpanStyle.fontStyle == FontStyle.Italic
val isUnderline = currentSpanStyle.textDecoration == TextDecoration.Underline

// Get the span style for a specific range.
val spanStyle = richTextState.getSpanStyle(TextRange(0, 5))
val isBold = spanStyle.fontWeight == FontWeight.Bold