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RichTextState is the core component that manages the state of the Rich Text Editor. It handles: - Text content and styling - Selection and cursor position - Configuration settings - Text operations and modifications - Import/export functionality

Basic Usage

Creating the State

To create a RichTextState, use the rememberRichTextState function:

val state = rememberRichTextState()

    state = state,
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()


Appearance Settings

// Link appearance
richTextState.config.linkColor = Color.Blue
richTextState.config.linkTextDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline

// Code block appearance
richTextState.config.codeSpanColor = Color.Yellow
richTextState.config.codeSpanBackgroundColor = Color.Transparent
richTextState.config.codeSpanStrokeColor = Color.LightGray

List Configuration

// Global list indentation
richTextState.config.listIndent = 20

// Specific list type indentation
richTextState.config.orderedListIndent = 20
richTextState.config.unorderedListIndent = 20

// List behavior
richTextState.config.exitListOnEmptyItem = true  // Exit list when pressing Enter on empty item

Text Operations

Selection Management

The editor's selection can be controlled programmatically:

// Set selection range
richTextState.selection = TextRange(0, 5)

// Select all text
richTextState.selection = TextRange(0, richTextState.annotatedString.text.length)

// Move cursor to end
richTextState.selection = TextRange(richTextState.annotatedString.text.length)

Text Modification

The RichTextState provides methods to modify text while preserving styles:

// Insert text at specific position
richTextState.addTextAtIndex(5, "Hello")

// Insert text after current selection

// Remove text
richTextState.removeTextRange(TextRange(0, 5))

// Replace text
richTextState.replaceTextRange(TextRange(0, 5), "Hello")

Text Change Monitoring

You can monitor text changes using the annotatedString property:

LaunchedEffect(richTextState.annotatedString) {
    // Handle text changes
    println("Text changed: ${richTextState.annotatedString.text}")

State Persistence

To save and restore the editor's state:

// Save state
val html = richTextState.toHtml()
// or
val markdown = richTextState.toMarkdown()

// Restore state
// or