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Paragraph Style

Styling Paragraphs

To style paragraphs, RichTextState provides toggleParagraphStyle method:

// Toggle a paragraph style.
richTextState.toggleParagraphStyle(ParagraphStyle(textAlign = TextAlign.Center))

// Add a paragraph style.
richTextState.addParagraphStyle(ParagraphStyle(textAlign = TextAlign.Center))

// Remove a paragraph style.
richTextState.removeParagraphStyle(ParagraphStyle(textAlign = TextAlign.Center))

To get the current paragraph style of the selection, use RichTextState.currentParagraphStyle:

// Get the current paragraph style.
val currentParagraphStyle = richTextState.currentParagraphStyle
val isCentered = currentParagraphStyle.textAlign = TextAlign.Center
val isLeft = currentParagraphStyle.textAlign = TextAlign.Left
val isRight = currentParagraphStyle.textAlign = TextAlign.Right