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Ordered and Unordered Lists

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Basic Usage

You can add ordered and unordered lists using RichTextState:

// Toggle ordered list.

// Toggle unordered list.

You can get if the current selection is an ordered or unordered list, using RichTextState:

// Get if the current selection is an ordered list.
val isOrderedList = richTextState.isOrderedList

// Get if the current selection is an unordered list.
val isUnorderedList = richTextState.isUnorderedList

List Nesting and Levels

You can increase or decrease the nesting level of lists using RichTextState:

// Increase list level (nesting)

// Decrease list level (un-nesting)

// Check if list level can be increased/decreased
val canIncrease = richTextState.canIncreaseListLevel
val canDecrease = richTextState.canDecreaseListLevel

List Style Types

Ordered Lists

You can customize the style of ordered lists using different formats:

// Set ordered list style type
richTextState.config.orderedListStyleType = OrderedListStyleType.Decimal     // 1, 2, 3, ...
richTextState.config.orderedListStyleType = OrderedListStyleType.LowerAlpha  // a, b, c, ...
richTextState.config.orderedListStyleType = OrderedListStyleType.UpperAlpha  // A, B, C, ...
richTextState.config.orderedListStyleType = OrderedListStyleType.LowerRoman  // i, ii, iii, ...
richTextState.config.orderedListStyleType = OrderedListStyleType.UpperRoman  // I, II, III, ...

// Use different styles for different nesting levels
richTextState.config.orderedListStyleType = OrderedListStyleType.Multiple(
    OrderedListStyleType.UpperAlpha,  // First level: A, B, C
    OrderedListStyleType.LowerAlpha,  // Second level: a, b, c
    OrderedListStyleType.Decimal      // Third level: 1, 2, 3

Unordered Lists

You can customize the style of unordered lists using different bullet types:

// Set unordered list style type
richTextState.config.unorderedListStyleType = UnorderedListStyleType.Disc    // •
richTextState.config.unorderedListStyleType = UnorderedListStyleType.Circle  // ◦
richTextState.config.unorderedListStyleType = UnorderedListStyleType.Square  // ▪

// Use custom markers for different nesting levels
richTextState.config.unorderedListStyleType = UnorderedListStyleType.from(
    "•",  // First level
    "◦",  // Second level
    "▪"   // Third level

List Indentation

You can control the list indentation using RichTextState:

// Change list indentation (ordered and unordered).
richTextState.config.listIndent = 20

// Change only ordered list indentation.
richTextState.config.orderedListIndent = 20

// Change only unordered list indentation.
richTextState.config.unorderedListIndent = 20

Common Operations

Default Values

By default, the Rich Text Editor uses these configurations: - Ordered List Style: OrderedListStyleType.Multiple with: - First level: Decimal (1, 2, 3, ...) - Second level: LowerRoman (i, ii, iii, ...) - Third level: LowerAlpha (a, b, c, ...) - Unordered List Style: UnorderedListStyleType.from with: - First level: (bullet) - Second level: (circle) - Third level: (square) - List Indentation: 38 - Exit List on Empty Item: true (configurable via richTextState.config.exitListOnEmptyItem)

Keyboard Shortcuts

The editor supports common keyboard shortcuts for list operations: - Tab: Increase list level (indent) - Shift + Tab: Decrease list level (outdent) - Enter on an empty list item: Exit the list - Backspace at the start of a list item: Decrease list level or exit list

List Behavior

When working with lists: 1. Creating a new list item: - Press Enter at the end of a list item to create a new one - The new item inherits the same level and style as the previous one

  1. Exiting a list:
  2. Press Enter on an empty list item (configurable via exitListOnEmptyItem)
  3. Press Backspace at the start of an empty list item:
    • When list level > 1: Decreases the list level by 1
    • When list level = 1: Exits the list

Note: The behavior of pressing Enter on an empty list item can be configured using richTextState.config.exitListOnEmptyItem. When set to true (default), it exits the list. When set to false, it creates a new list item.

  1. Converting between list types:
  2. You can convert between ordered and unordered lists by toggling the respective type
  3. The list level and content are preserved during conversion

Visual Examples

Note: The following examples are representations of how lists might appear. The actual appearance in your application may vary based on your configuration settings (style type, indentation, etc.).

Ordered List Example

1. First level item
   a. Second level item
      i. Third level item
   b. Another second level
2. Back to first level

Unordered List Example

• First level item
  ◦ Second level item
    ▪ Third level item
  ◦ Another second level
• Back to first level