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Markdown Import and Export

The Rich Text Editor supports converting between Markdown and rich text content. This allows you to: - Save editor content as Markdown - Load content from Markdown files - Integrate with Markdown-based systems - Support platforms like GitHub that use Markdown

Importing Markdown

To convert Markdown to RichTextState, use the setMarkdown method:

// Basic formatting
val simpleMarkdown = """
    **Bold** and *italic* text with __underline__

// Complex structure
val complexMarkdown = """
    # Heading 1
    ## Heading 2

    Paragraph with **bold** and *italic* text.

    * Unordered list item 1
    * Unordered list item 2

    1. Ordered list item 1
    2. Ordered list item 2

    [Link to Example](

    `Code span example`

Exporting to Markdown

To convert RichTextState to Markdown, use the toMarkdown method:

val markdown = richTextState.toMarkdown()
println(markdown) // Outputs formatted Markdown string

Supported Markdown Syntax

The following Markdown syntax elements are supported:

Text Formatting

  • **text** or __text__ - Bold text
  • *text* or _text_ - Italic text
  • ~~text~~ - Strikethrough text
  • `code` - Code spans


  • * item or - item - Unordered list items
  • 1. item - Ordered list items
  • Nested lists with proper indentation
  • [text](url) - Hyperlinks


  • Unsupported Markdown syntax will be preserved as plain text
  • Nested lists are supported with proper indentation
  • The Markdown output is clean and properly formatted
  • Tables and images are planned for future releases