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Add links

  • To add links, RichTextState provides addLink method:
// Add link after selection.
    text = "Compose Rich Editor",
    url = ""
  • To add link to the selected text, RichTextState provides addLinkToSelection method:
// Add link to selected text.
    url = ""
  • To update link URL, RichTextState provides updateLink method:
// Update selected link URL.
    url = ""
  • To remove links, RichTextState provides removeLink method:
// Remove link from selected text.
  • To get if the current selection is a link, use RichTextState.isLink:
// Get if the current selection is a link.
val isLink = richTextState.isLink
  • To get the current link text, use RichTextState.selectedLinkText:
// Get the current link text.
val linkText = richTextState.selectedLinkText
  • To get the current link URL, use RichTextState.selectedLinkUrl:
// Get the current link URL.
val linkUrl = richTextState.selectedLinkUrl

By default, links will be opened by your platform's UriHandler, if however you want to handle the links on your own, you can override the composition local as such:

val myUriHandler by remember {
    mutableStateOf(object : UriHandler {
        override fun openUri(uri: String) {
            // Handle the clicked link however you want
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalUriHandler provides myUriHandler) {
    RichText( ... )