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Getting Started


Compose Rich Editor has only one artifact, for now, published to mavenCentral():

  • com.mohamedrejeb.richeditor:richeditor-compose: The default artifact which includes all the functionalities of the library.

My goal is to move the core functionalities of the library to a separate artifact and keep the default artifact as a wrapper around the core artifact, so I can support other targets like Android Views and Compose HTML.


RichTextState is a class that manages the state of the editor.

The RichTextEditor composable requires a RichTextState to manage the editor's state.

To create a RichTextState, use the rememberRichTextState function:

val state = rememberRichTextState()

    state = state,

Check out the full documentation for more info.

Styling Spans

To style spans, RichTextState provides toggleSpanStyle method:

// Toggle a span style.
richTextState.toggleSpanStyle(SpanStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold))

To get the current span style of the selection, use RichTextState.currentSpanStyle:

// Get the current span style.
val currentSpanStyle = richTextState.currentSpanStyle
val isBold = currentSpanStyle.fontWeight == FontWeight.Bold

Check out the full documentation for more info.

Styling Paragraphs

To style paragraphs, RichTextState provides toggleParagraphStyle method:

// Toggle a paragraph style.
richTextState.toggleParagraphStyle(ParagraphStyle(textAlign = TextAlign.Center))

To get the current paragraph style of the selection, use RichTextState.currentParagraphStyle:

// Get the current paragraph style.
val currentParagraphStyle = richTextState.currentParagraphStyle
val isCentered = currentParagraphStyle.textAlign == TextAlign.Center

Check out the full documentation for more info.

Supported Styling Formats

The styling formats supported by Compose Rich Editor:

Text Formatting

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Strikethrough
  • Text color
  • Background color
  • Font size
  • Any custom style using SpanStyle

Paragraph Formatting

  • Text Align
  • Any custom style using ParagraphStyle

Lists and Blocks

  • Ordered List
  • Unordered List
  • Code Blocks
  • Hyperlinks

There are some styling formats that are not supported yet, but I'm planning to add them in the future:

  • Images
  • Blockquotes
  • Multiline Code Blocks
  • Checkbox